Monday, 27 June 2011

The Perfect Partner = Myth !

As I sat and recollected my past relationships I was led to ask myself the question, is it possible to find ‘the perfect partner’ though? I spent some time considering and I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing. Forgive my negativity. I am still very young and I am sure I have much more to see in the world of relationships, however, young does not equal to senseless or blind! And I have certainly opened my eyes. The perfect partner which many of us are looking forward to finding or come upon at some point in our lives may never become a reality. I may be wrong but that is my belief. (And note, when I speak of the perfect partner, I am not referring to a perfect person, there is no such thing, I mean someone that is a ‘perfect match’ for you) My theory is that the perfect partner isn’t someone that you will find but someone you create. The perfect partner is someone who you imagine or convince yourself to be just that, in other words no one will truly be seen as perfect for you until you learn to make-do and ignore a lot!  

There are too many forces working against you for anyone to be truly seen as your perfect love match so I suggest you stop looking forward to finding him/her and start working on making YOU the perfect partner. Consider my propositions.. There is jealousy, the distrust demon, baggage from previous relationships, friends/family pointing out all your partners faults(even when you don’t see a fault they find one and convince you of just that) and then there are the faults you will find…why…your human you cant help it, we’re paranoid we think the worst first. And when ‘in love’ our judgement is severely skewed. What am I saying you may ask? The success of your relationship depends upon you as much as it depends upon the other person. And please tolerance does not equate to ignoring the truth, certain actions call for the immediate ending of the relationship! 

..And the question comes; when do you draw a line between being naïve and being paranoid ? Sorry, cant answer this one, this would have to be up to you as it depends on the persons involved and the scenario. 

Truth is human beings make mistakes they’re not perfect, never were, never will be, so good luck in finding your perfect man/woman! *peak-sarcasm* A relationship is a partnership, it requires a lot of compromising and sacrifice. Its about being a part of a team. If you’re not a team player you should consider riding solo and not waste the time of persons who are serious about a true partnership. Its also about putting your ego and alter-ego aside. The ‘I am the boss of this relationship’ and the ‘my  way or the highway’ mentalities will kill a relationship fast. If compromising/tolerating means settling for less to you, (which you refuse to do) ..I have good news, feel free to visit the nearest pet shop where you may purchase ten cats, a bird and possibly a dog,because in the world of relationships you always have to settle for less than what you desire,only difference is how much less will you settle for.

In conclusion, like I stated earlier, there is no such thing as a perfect partner, stop looking! If you’re one who is serious about building a lifetime partnership like myself, you should note that you have a lot of work to do, beginning with improving your compromising, negotiation and tolerance skills, and too, your ability to forgive. Being with someone and truly enjoying the fruits of a good relationship will never come easy, like I stated before it involves sacrifice. Unless your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t have a mind of his/her own then they wont always do the things you would prefer and hence at some point you will be offended, annoyed or hurt, etc., And think, if every time your partner offends you, you end the relationship saying: ’oh he/she just wasn’t the right person for me,’ the same thing will happen time and time again…next thing you know you’ll be on your death bed wondering why you didn’t find Mr/Ms Right ..hahaha. Alas, if you cant keep up with all the requirements of maintaining a partnership, you don’t have to go the relationship way, theres always the option of staying alone.
Thanks for Reading, all the best !


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! This is awesome. You should start writing more about partnership and compose it into a book.
I just love the line - ".....the perfect partner isn’t someone that you will find but someone you create."

My views, For your perusal. said...

Thank you johnny, appreciate the comment.

Shadania said...

I sooooooo love this and can really relate to it.. my favourite part "There are too many forces working against you for anyone to be truly seen as your perfect love match so I suggest u stop looking forward to finding him/her and start working on making YOU the perfect partner."

My views, For your perusal. said...

thanks alot & thanks for reading. :)