Monday, 4 July 2011

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Here I will express my utter disgust with humanity, and by humanity I mean myself, you, you and you, all of us ! These are thoughts I have had before but the pot boiled over a few nights ago while I was on twitter. Several persons were complaining about others’ tweets.. Why? Because the tweets were of no appeal to them [particularly tweets about the Ragashanti show]. Complaining about how annoying it is when persons constantly tweet about all they are hearing or heard on the show. But I was particularly taken a back by the fact that some of the persons who were throwing the tantrums ever so often annoyed me greatly and by complaining they were doing so once more. I wasn’t upset just a bit agitated at the fact persons believe it's ok for them to express themselves as they have a liking on twitter yet when others do so they complain, IF the tweets aren’t entertaining enough. Then it came to mind that I on several occasions complained about others’ tweets, which often leads to ‘muting’ sprees, and that evoked even another thought. I said to myself, “How dare you Tamika when you ever so often go on and on raping your followers' timeline with ramblings about Chris Brown, Adolf Hitler (and other random musings) that the majority of your followers care zero about. How dare you call someone else annoying?” And I then said, but yes I have a right to complain if I am being annoyed… Do you see what I’m getting at? Its okay for me to complain yet I was annoyed by someone else doing so. Why are we humans so unfair? 

‘Do as to others as you would have them do unto you’ - this quote only becomes valid when we are the victims it seems, we would never remember it when we’re the ones inflicting the sting.

‘Judge me not for you have never walked a day in my shoes’ - this too is only a valid rule when we are the ones being judged..

Michael(a friend of mine) once said ‘Humanity is over-rated,’ and it puzzled me as to why he’d say such a thing but now I am converted, I now strongly agree. Humans make rules, give advice, but find it ever so hard to follow them. We’re selfish, unreasonable, judgemental and sometimes irrational. Here‘s an example; if a female is known or is suspected of having done an abortion, she is bashed, classed as murderer, etc, and  references may be made to the commandment, “Thou shall not kill,” yet the person(s) who was so quick to point the finger MORE THAN LIKELY is having sex with someone who he/she isn’t married to. NOTE: The Bible speaks against fornication, that is sex outside of marriage. (And on top of that they wouldn't spare a second to consider whether or not the female who allegedly did the abortion was raped, that's a different argument however) Have you grasped my point? An act(s) is usually seen as wrong if we don’t approve of it. How dare us all to judge our brothers and sisters when we are all barely worthy of the mercy of God? We’re arrogant and intolerant. And my dear friends who point fingers at persons such as Vybz Kartel, ‘so-called illuminati members,’ Adolf Hitler, homosexuals, etc, remember that you too have sinned ! Like Ricardo(an associate of mine, also a blogger) said, “The same hell is reserved for all sinners. Sin is not categorised, all sin is sin.” Like wise wrong is wrong, there are no variations of wrong. 

 It is hard to deviate from human nature but it wouldn’t hurt to at least attempt to be more tolerant of each other, things would be much easier, don’t you think?

Cliché, but these rules remain…
‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’
‘Let him that is without sin cast the first stone’

[As it relates to twitter, remember twitter is each person's personal space, they are at liberty to say whatever] 

Thanks for reading, all the best ! 

Monday, 27 June 2011

The Perfect Partner = Myth !

As I sat and recollected my past relationships I was led to ask myself the question, is it possible to find ‘the perfect partner’ though? I spent some time considering and I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing. Forgive my negativity. I am still very young and I am sure I have much more to see in the world of relationships, however, young does not equal to senseless or blind! And I have certainly opened my eyes. The perfect partner which many of us are looking forward to finding or come upon at some point in our lives may never become a reality. I may be wrong but that is my belief. (And note, when I speak of the perfect partner, I am not referring to a perfect person, there is no such thing, I mean someone that is a ‘perfect match’ for you) My theory is that the perfect partner isn’t someone that you will find but someone you create. The perfect partner is someone who you imagine or convince yourself to be just that, in other words no one will truly be seen as perfect for you until you learn to make-do and ignore a lot!  

There are too many forces working against you for anyone to be truly seen as your perfect love match so I suggest you stop looking forward to finding him/her and start working on making YOU the perfect partner. Consider my propositions.. There is jealousy, the distrust demon, baggage from previous relationships, friends/family pointing out all your partners faults(even when you don’t see a fault they find one and convince you of just that) and then there are the faults you will find…why…your human you cant help it, we’re paranoid we think the worst first. And when ‘in love’ our judgement is severely skewed. What am I saying you may ask? The success of your relationship depends upon you as much as it depends upon the other person. And please tolerance does not equate to ignoring the truth, certain actions call for the immediate ending of the relationship! 

..And the question comes; when do you draw a line between being naïve and being paranoid ? Sorry, cant answer this one, this would have to be up to you as it depends on the persons involved and the scenario. 

Truth is human beings make mistakes they’re not perfect, never were, never will be, so good luck in finding your perfect man/woman! *peak-sarcasm* A relationship is a partnership, it requires a lot of compromising and sacrifice. Its about being a part of a team. If you’re not a team player you should consider riding solo and not waste the time of persons who are serious about a true partnership. Its also about putting your ego and alter-ego aside. The ‘I am the boss of this relationship’ and the ‘my  way or the highway’ mentalities will kill a relationship fast. If compromising/tolerating means settling for less to you, (which you refuse to do) ..I have good news, feel free to visit the nearest pet shop where you may purchase ten cats, a bird and possibly a dog,because in the world of relationships you always have to settle for less than what you desire,only difference is how much less will you settle for.

In conclusion, like I stated earlier, there is no such thing as a perfect partner, stop looking! If you’re one who is serious about building a lifetime partnership like myself, you should note that you have a lot of work to do, beginning with improving your compromising, negotiation and tolerance skills, and too, your ability to forgive. Being with someone and truly enjoying the fruits of a good relationship will never come easy, like I stated before it involves sacrifice. Unless your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t have a mind of his/her own then they wont always do the things you would prefer and hence at some point you will be offended, annoyed or hurt, etc., And think, if every time your partner offends you, you end the relationship saying: ’oh he/she just wasn’t the right person for me,’ the same thing will happen time and time again…next thing you know you’ll be on your death bed wondering why you didn’t find Mr/Ms Right ..hahaha. Alas, if you cant keep up with all the requirements of maintaining a partnership, you don’t have to go the relationship way, theres always the option of staying alone.
Thanks for Reading, all the best !

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Weave/Make-up - For Better or Worse ?

We live in an era where looks can literally be bought; plastic surgery, make-up, hair-extensions, etc. … every conceivable aspect of one’s body may be altered or enhanced to their liking whilst they can afford to do so. However the focus of this post will be hair-extensions and make-up since in Jamaica they are the most popular tools utilized by females to enhance the appearance. Am sure you can already tell the direction in which I am going. Now persons wear make-up and/or weave for varying reasons; some because they NEED it(or think they do), some because they favour it and others simply because they wish to stay abreast with the masses('follow fashion' lol I just had to say that !). Now I care zero about the reasons for which females wear make-up and/or weave, my concern lies in the way its done, and when I say concern I mean grave concern. I was inspired to write this post because I am just sick and tired of seeing of females with bad weave/make-up. Whatever happened to looking in the mirror? I’ll address each separately.


Now there are different types of weave, curly, long, short, straight, nappy, ETC., which may be divided into two major categories human-hair(weave made from actual human hair) and fake hair (made from plastic fibre). Human-hair is better as it blends in with ones own hair more evenly due to similarity in texture and also it lasts longer, meaning, it wont get worn out easily, but off course it's also relatively costly. Plastic fibre weave is less expensive but doesn’t last very long and for the most part doesn’t look as good as human hair, however there are a few females who happen to pull it off. Now ladies whether its real or fake, point is you bought it, its yours! That’s not what am here to argue. Real or fake, ensure it works! Its POINTLESS and a bit pathetic to add something to your body that makes you look worse.

  • Ensure it matches your hair colour or get your hair coloured to blend with it.
  • Visit a professional or someone fairly skilled to get it done.
  • Ensure your hair will suffice to adequately cover the tracks, having tracks visible is NOT a good look.
  • And please if it looks too fake don’t bother, stay at home until u can afford some good human-hair.
  • Just because you saw Beyonce or Rihanna wearing a particular style, doesn't mean it will work for you. Stick to styles that compliment your face, every style wont work for everyone.
  • Oh and by the way, its always better to leave wigs to old ladies, very few have and can rock a wig well.


Oh help me Jesus.. Where do I start ? Make-up, make-up, make-up, females tend to abuse it and CLEARLY miss what it was intended for, ladies it was made to make you look better not worse.

  • I strongly advise that you do not apply make up on your own if you are not skilled in its application. 
  • Please no need to wear eye-shadow to match every outfit. It makes you look like a clown. 
  • If your dark-skinned please take caution with which colours you use, if not you may end up looking like an African warrior(ever seen Africans ready for war with bright colours marked on the face,yes,like that). 
  • Light-skinned ladies u did not escape my wrath, please, the idea is to enhance the face not cartoonise it. 
  • And off course we all can't afford Mac but cheap make-up especially cheap eye-shadow tends to look bad even if applied properly, hence its better to go without if you cant afford make-up of good quality.

In conclusion ladies, make-up/weave was made to work for you. Use it to your advantage not to your detriment! And if this doesn’t apply to you and you happen to have a friend to whom it does, be a friend and advise them(stop lying and telling her she looks gorgeous when theres evidently a problem). Why pay to look bad, waste of time much don’t you think? If you choose to go the make-up/weave way, do it well, or leave it to those who can.

Thanks for Reading. All the best !